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LUMINISH // LUMINU. Hand in hand paper. True story.

Article / 29 Apr 2015 / INSTITUTE.RO
  • LUMINISH // LUMINU. Hand in hand paper. True story.
  • LUMINISH // LUMINU. Hand in hand paper. True story.
  • LUMINISH // LUMINU. Hand in hand paper. True story.
Luminish proposes an experiment with manual recycled paper of hands. Every person who visits us may be a part of this experimental play by letting us mould his right hand with manual paper.Time of making: 15 mins. After six days of moulding workshops, in the 7th, we will create LUMINU: all the moulds will put together into a colaj installation.

As long as you make it you may break it out and re-make it. The hand shapes: writes, draws, paints, carves, makes paper. The hand comforts and nurshises. The hand experiences. It brings the stream of consciousness into materialization. So as long as the hand works, the mind meditates, the heart creates.The making, serenity and creation go hand in hand.

The paper covers the hand. The potency of the creation is apprehended by the mould. The mould is anchored into an alfa and omega key object, breaking out and re-making. Vegetal epidermis is moulded onto the human one. Original play: the nature germinates, potentiates and creates. Second play: the man uses, recycles and re-creates.

Handmade Paper Atelier, The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant - Monetăriei Street, no. 3
Workshops: 16 - 17th of May, from 10am to 8pm // 18 - 21st of May, from 5pm to 9pm // 23rd of May, from 10am to 9pm
Exhibition: 24th of May, from 11am to 6pm

Luminish, a project of the Association of Craftsmen Order, is supported by a grant from Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, in the frame of Green Industry Innovation Program Romania.

Luminish launches limited series of illumination bodies: rhythm lamp and ritual lamp. Rhythm lamp: floor lamps of recycled manual paper, with inserts and artistic intervention. The ritual lamp is created for the first time ever, through manual paper moulding technique and is built around 3 symbols: body of letter, body of book, body of illumination. The body carries the inner text. The paper mould takes over the text becoming the body of the book. This brought into the light becomes the illuminating body which fosters the text reading.

Luminish is conceived through body, paper and light. The letter is hermeneutics stemmed from mold and print, the book is monadic, the body of illumination ritually lights up at dusk. The manual paper generates, facilitates and translates their encounter.